Watched the Twitch live stream and from what I saw and heard , Ubisoft fixed their game in many different ways . Update comes out on the 24th ( Overwatch is released on this date as well ) with a lot of improvments.
oh man. on the same day OW comes out. That’s rough. I will be playing OW but will be listing to the reviews on how this affects the game.
I’m giving The Division this one last chance. Update 1.2 will either put me back to playing it nightly, or firmly plant it in the pile to sell back to Best Buy at the next bonus trade in value week.
@anon68545142 I’m on most nights around 6 or 7pm pacific add me gt is ezekielJP I usually just do the daily mission stuff solo or with randoms…
I am on almost every night around 9pm Pacific, run the dailies… fart around in the DZ and work toward the Weekly Assignment.
Sexbox GT is AZshortbus35
Gotta get those Phx Credits!!!
I just started playing overwatch but I’ll probably get on the division this weekend. gt is ezekielJP and I sent a friend request today.