"We know many of you have been patiently awaiting the arrival of The Division Beta, and we appreciate your patience as the team remains committed to delivering an open-world action-RPG experience that exceeds your expectations on March 8, 2016. With that in mind, we’re changing some of our beta plans to reach that goal, and your participation plays an important part.

The Division Beta planned for December will now take place in early 2016. However, we’re excited to announce that players who preordered the Xbox One version will have priority access to an exclusive closed Xbox One alpha testing phase, taking place from December 9 to 12. Those of you on the waitlist for the Xbox One alpha may be granted access on an as needed basis. In addition, players who pre-ordered the Xbox One, PS4, or PC version of The Division will have access to a closed beta on their respective platforms in early 2016.

This exclusive Xbox One alpha testing phase in December will be the first time the public gets to play a version of The Division that includes more than the Dark Zone PvP enabled areas. This means the moment you and other players sign into the game, you’ll be giving us valuable insight into how our infrastructure performs under pressure that we can’t replicate internally or at a tradeshow. This process allows us to monitor and gather additional feedback on other aspects of The Division, as well. However, due to the early stage of this alpha, we ask that all participants do not share images, video, or descriptions of the game’s content outside of the official Division alpha forum. Players will be prompted to accept a non-disclosure agreement before playing the alpha.

We know that you probably have more questions, so we’ve put together a FAQ on The Division Alpha that hopefully answers them. If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

We thank you again for your patience and value your enthusiasm for The Division. The team is working hard to deliver a great experience and can’t wait to show you more in the coming months."

Put my Pre-order in and am in the Alpha.

same…just finished downloading it to the system.

WOW, beta must have been glitchy, so calling it an alpha may heal alleviate some of the timmies from yelling “this game sucks” on the internet… since now betas are like glorified Demos.

hope it gets all fixed before launch. march 8th… so game goes gold early Feb. 2 months fuckers. you have 2 months to get that shit right.

Woohoo, just got my alpha code!!!

Do they give out codes for friends?

If you havent seen it this showcases some of the menus in the game… As well as starting screen.