The Division DZ Fund and Phoenix Credit farming

Anyone up for some farming in the DZ tonight. The weekly reset is here and the First Wave Vector blueprint and Extended Magazine blueprints are back. anyone looking to get their hands on these hit me up

Argh…decisions decisions…have Uncharted begging to be played…

I’ll be around 8:00 to 8:30 p.m. EST and i’ll be running Division DZ all night. anyone feel free to join in the more the merrier all the more smack talking to go around

I’m game for some Division tonight. Will be on after 7pm or so EST.

We hit the DZ hard last week and I was able to buy the first wave m1 blueprint from the dz 3 vender. Sweet weapon!

managed to get the Extend magazine blue print tonight now to grind out the rest for the First wave Vector

Wow, that sucks.
Losing progress is one of the most frustrating things.
If it happened often enough it would be something that made me consider avoiding that game/area.

Do you think he was just grossly overpowered?

I’m game for an Incursion run at some point today. Have some work to do, but can get on at some point in the afternoon for sure for an hour and change. Drop me an XBL (so I see the notification on TV) if interested.

We run into the same thing in the DZ.

Fucking trolls. They run with you for 10 minutes then turn on you and wipe you out.

You cant trust anyone.

We typically stick to DZ 5 and 6. Fewer assholes.

This. Plain and simple. If 1.2 doesn’t fix the game almost entirely, I’ll likely dump the game despite having the season pass. They have this one more chance…better make good on it.

i’ll be running DZ farming again tonight and possible incursion if anybody wants to squad up