The Division's New Anti-Destiny Advertisement Is Incredibly Misleading

A recent advertisement for Ubisoft’s upcoming The Division suggests that a gaming website declared it to be better than Destiny. Problem is, the website never actually said that.

GameZone wasn’t referring to the quality of either game, nor were they declaring that The Division had outsold Destiny (which would have been difficult, as The Division isn’t out yet). The article, written by Tatiana Morris, is actually about how The Division’s beta had more players than Destiny’s. The Division had 6.4 million; Destiny had 4.6 million. That’s the context.

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not the first time marketing has taken words out of context and used them for something else.

Yea that is why I found this funny.

I aint mad at them. Some companies outright lie at least i agree with that comment in whatever context

I always think of this stuff when I see a shitty movie with a quote on the box or in the description.