The Last of Us 2 review bombed?

I don’t put mich weight in to metacritic user scores usually because the score is almost always skewed by people reviewing without actually playong the game etc. But I gotta say, this is a bit disheartening. I mean 3.6? Sounds pretty unbelievable.

I never looked into the leaks that much but I can’t help but think the disappointment from those has carried over to here. What do you guys who’ve played the game already think? I’m getting to try it out later today myself and still keeping an open mind.

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Yeah story is people are review bombing it due certian controversial things in the story. Look at the critic reviews vs the user reviews.

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Yeah, I have no idea what the issue is since I never read the leaks, but from the few comments I read on metacritic I can take a guess. Oh well, guess I’ll find out for myself soon. Just gotta get the kids to bed first. :grin:

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My son started it and has about 14 hours into it and loves it. He did mention a couple of things that people bitched about - before release - that actually aren’t bad.

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I’m liking it so far… almost as much as the first. Like you I didn’t look into any of the leaks so I could make my own judgement. Some things I don’t really care for but it’s not detrimental to the overall quality of the game… and I’m still playing it so not that big of a deal. It has some flaws from ammo to movement to lack of detail on certain things. If I had to rate it so far I’d probably give it an 8/10… might go up or down based on the ending so we’ll see. Enjoy!

I’m liking it a lot too. I’ve been playing it for about 4-5 hours and can’t wait to get back into it. Story wise, yeah, I can kinda tell that it won’t have the same impact as the first one, but that is one hell of a game to beat. I could be wrong though, there’s still a lot of game to play. I can also kind of understand the outrage about the twist at the beginning of the game and how it was handled, but for people to dismiss the whole game just because of that is stupid, same thing with the “identity politics” humdrum. I’m pretty tired of the whole discussion when it comes to video games but I think developers should be free to explore all kinds of narratives, otherwise the industry just stays stagnant. Technically though it is a masterpiece, to have a game looking and playing this well on this hardware is nothing short of genius. Gameplay wise, yeeeah, it’s naughty dog, a bit behind the times like rockstar but enjoyable enough so it won’t ruin anything.

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I finished it last Sunday. I thought it was quite good. Not as good as the first but still very good.

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