The Reapercast 101 - Bungie and Activision - Breaking up is hard to do

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Grim Reaper Gamers hosts a Bi-Weekly Podcast where we talk about Community News, Video Games, Beer and whatever else we feel like discussing. This episode’s main topic is Bungie splitting from Activision. We also chat about the latest Gamer and Geek news.

Lala Rant

  • Black Ops 4 Cash Shop. – A F*cking Red Dot…..

Gaming and Geek News

  • Atlas Launch
  • Paladins Cross Play
  • Rumor: CoD MW4 info leaked – Battle Royale Mode leaked
  • RDR Online 32 Player Battle Royale Mode
  • GameStop Sale To Another Company Could Be Announced By Mid-February
  • Bungie to self publish Destiny going forward

Community Info

Originally published at:
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Good show guys. Nice job on the Intro.


audio quality was good for me.

good stuff, you were fair to Budgie/Destiny

thanks for another great ep


Discord almost seemed worse than Skype that night. I’m not sure WTF was going on but we dropped over and over. Sometimes the call locked us all out.

Also, I got a new mic set up and added in a new tool for post processing.

I preferred the intro line being used to advertise something in GRG.

Lala sounded like ass.
I mean, the audio equipment was great - he just spews rubbish.

Not sure why JH decides to inform us of specific games he has never touched. Surely it’s far easier for him to just chip in when he has played something?

I have nothing bad to say about Jammer.


I’m sensing the above post was sponsored.

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I didn’t sponsor ahead of time but his HR file suddenly went “missing”.

Good show guys. I fell asleep on the train headed home while listening and was confused when I heard you guys talking about Grex, the website and his mic again. I was like…?? Spotify just autostarted episode 100 on me.

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That’s every episode. I think they just like talking about me. Flattering really.