The Reapercast 103 - Apex Legends and The Division 2

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Grim Reaper Gamers hosts a Bi-Weekly Podcast where we talk about Community News, Video Games, Beer and whatever else we feel like discussing. This episode we chat the shiny new penny called Apex Legends, the Division 2 Beta .

Lala Rant

  • Judith from the Walking Dead

Gaming and Geek News

  • Old Metro games reviews on Steam
  • Apex Legends
  • Anthem discussion
  • Division 2 Beta

Community Info

Originally published at:

Wow, so mean. I believe I got the final kill in the Duo win.

For Division to succeed i think the story needs to be top notch. I am worried about End game on both (Anthem and Division) and just being a grind of bullet sponge bosses.

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I think you’re right for both games.

No chance.
Don’t seem them managing to pull that out after the woeful story in Division 1.

@Lala_Calamari, @anon3687162

Sent you guys some hatemail.


I actually liked it…

sad cry GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

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good show…i will have to carve out some time…maybe after tax season and Gunny and I will help jammer level up

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Valiant lies thread?

Nah, he knows he’s safe because Jammer won’t even put it in his cart.

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Ummm he has seen me play it on Twitch so he knows I have it

Playing it by yourself?

he did go to the tower…on twitch…and i told him where to go via txt box…so technically i did help him…it seems jammer would be a good candidate to game with ppl in the uk/eu as he only games during the day while i’m at work

…if you are ever down to 2 again for the show…I’d be happy to hop on with ya…I bet jammer $100 i can go an entire ep of reapercast without saying the word destiny 1x


I think I forgot what point I was making.