The Six Billion Dollar Man Coming to The Big Screen...

Oh no… really?

The Six Billion Dollar Man, a film adaptation of the classic television series The Six Million Dollar Man, will star Mark Wahlberg (Ted 2, Lone Survivor) and hit theaters on December 22, 2017, TWC-Dimension announced.

Last year, when talk of the film first surfaced, Peter Berg was originally set to direct; however the film’s screenwriter Damián Szifron (Wild Tales) will also now serve as director. Filming is expected to begin in September of next year, with Wahlberg, Stephen Levinson and Bob Weinstein producing.

“I’m thrilled to assemble The Six Billion Dollar Man for the big screen with the likes of Bob Weinstein and Damián Szifron,” Wahlberg said. “We look forward to creating a Steve Austin for the 21st century.”

Szifron also shared a few words of excitement regarding the film, saying: “Writing the screenplay was such a fantastic ride and embarking on this journey with Mark, Bob and Stephen to take this story to a whole new level is simply spectacular. Growing up, these kind of films left an indelible mark on me and now it feels so good to be making one.”

The Six Billion Dollar Man will tell the story of military officer Steve Austin who, after a near-death accident, gets wrapped up in a top secret government program that brings him back to life as the world’s first bionic man.

Oh God NO !!! Hollywood is so full of repeat bullshit .

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Um… No

There’s going to be at least 3 movies. Watch.

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Ugh. Didn’t they do a Bionic Woman on tv recently? Starbuck / Katie Sackoff was the bad guy that stole the show.