The witcher 3: Free DLC, “We owe them.”

These guys sound awesome. There will be 16 pieces of DLC for free after launch. its small stuff like horse armor and hair/beard styles, but its still free.

“Initially, when we were talking to different publishing partners, they
were coming over to our studio with focus tests saying, ‘Hey! RPG is the
trend now. There has to be multiplayer, and multi-character selection,
and there has to be a female character.’” said Iwińsk. “And we said,
‘No, no, it’s about Geralt. We have the books, we have the lore. It’s
true, it works, it’s consistent.’

full article

I still have to finish The Witcher and begin The Witcher 2!

i havent played either one, im just jumping in.

Went to the panel at Pax East and have got to say that I was on the fence about the game before because I did not know much about the series, but now I will be getting this game. I feel it will be one of the few true Next-Gen games so far (in the technical aspects of the game if nothing else). They seem to be creating an actual living world in the game. They also confimed that the DLC will definately be free. I also got a sweet “Witcher 3” pin for attending(its not a tshirt but oh well)

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prologue of the game can last like 8-10 hours according to devs. Take that Order:1886!!

the prologue? damn

Got Witcher 2, it is slow, the mini map sucks, very grainy looking on 360. I’m still excited from the gameplay seen for Wtch 3, next gen.