Tom Clancy Tuesday's

Join GRG every other Tuesday for Tom Clancy Tuesday’s where we will enjoy a night dedicated to: The Division, Ghost Recon Wildlands and Rainbow Six Siege.

Whether you want to run some Co-Op and help each other with missions and rank up your characters or you just want to get competitive and run some PVP this night will have something for everyone. We will have parties spread out across all platforms so join up and don’t game alone.

Originally published at:


I got wildlands but don’t have another titles sadly

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Awesome! I’m up for any of the above, if you see me on PSN, shoot me an invite!



Still have the Division and Wildlands.

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Was thinking on a new tc game what should I get six siege or the division

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I’d say TD is more of a SP/co-op/matchmaking gear grind with repeating missions at harder difficulties. Both PvE and PvP gameplay.

Six Siege is PvP MP deathmatch games, utilising tactics and teamwork.

Whichever is your preferred style?

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Well I didn’t get either I got the ghost season pass it was much cheaper but I will probably end up getting siege six soon it sounds more my style


I drunk purchased The Division Gold Edition last night. May be joining for a few weeks. Yay, gamer ADD.


If you pick up Siege on PS, shoot me an invite. Be fun to play with someone other than randoms.


Alright GRG, tonight is the kick off of our inaugural Tom Clancy Tuesday’s. Squad up and take your pick between The Division, R6 Siege or GR Wildlands or play all three just don’t game alone.

I’ll be hosting a party on the PS4 for either The Division or Wildlands so feel free to join on me @PlayStationPlayers or if someone wants to run a R6 Siege party do it up.

If we have any @PCGamers @DivisionPlayers on the PC or Xbox side who can run some parties let others know who to join on and what you 'll be playing.

Lets get characters leveled up and run some co-op or run some PVP!

I’m up for all three just got em and not a whole lot of time to play em


I’ll be on tonight at 8 p.m. est and run some the division on xbox for anyone wanting to squad up. @ReaperMan10 will probably be on also.


I should be around for The Division or Ghost Recon Wildlands tonight.

I won’t be on for long so I’ll post here when I get online.
Probably around 6PM Eastern for 1-2 hours.

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Have all 3 on XB1. Will be on…am thinking The Division, but would be down for some siege as well. Will be on by 8CST.

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I’m around, bit later than I thought.
I’ll be on Ghost Recon Wildlands for the next hour or so.
Just send me an invite if you want to join.

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Sorry for the extremely late post. Was just able to get home and get on. If anyone is up for a late game of Siege PS4, join me.


Had a little fun with @TwistedGunsmith and then briefly spoke to @SoInZane before I had to head offline.

Managed to grab myself an actual scope for my sniper rifle though.
Plus I remembered how much fun SAM sites are in GRW…


Haha. Screw those damn SAM sites. Once you have one coming at you it’s over. I just bail.

@TwistedGunsmith and I ran a few missions on GRW and then switched over to The Division and did a few missions over there. He just started out and I have a 3rd character to run so that worked out nicely.

Highlight of the night might be twisted trying to parachute out of the helicopter on GRW while i was flying at low altitude only to not have enough time to pull his cord. Good times!

Didn’t get a chance to run with @unobtainaballs but there is always next time. I had issues with my nat type on GRW initially and its not the first time. Seems like it is becoming more common when I look at Ubisofts forums so I hope they iron that out.

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This is definitely not how I died whilst trying to evade aforementioned SAM site missiles…

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