Trials of Osiris

in need of a 3rd person to do Trials of Osiris this weekend, must be good looking and good with a gun

I would like to start some time tonight, on PS4, and ive never done them yet so wanted to get a team together to try 'er out

I had a xbone traded if for the ps4 lol

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theres a few guys i see still playing… shouldnt be hard for people to go back ad play also, @anon70660645, @RTuTTle86, @LanceHung, @Karas??

so that’s a maybe?


thanks @Audible_Silence I just jumped into it a month ago so I’m still having fun

Hey yall I’ll try to be on this weekend for trials so hit me up. Gloryofthelost. Some people here can vouch for my skill level

I am up for ToO.
Not done it before, think I’m OK at PvP.
Happy for someone to give me a try-out (trial - ha) to see if I’m decent.
Also, am GMT (UK).

@unobtainaballs what’s your psn name?
