Tuesday Night ESO Dungeon Diving 3/21

Join Grim Reaper Gamers for a night of Dungeon Crawling in Elder Scrolls Online! Let’s get a party going and run some of the public Dungeons in ESO tonight. Beginning and experienced players welcomed.

Originally published at: https://grimreapergamers.com/pec-events/tuesday-night-eso-dungeon-diving-321/

Sign me up.

Are you in our Guild yet?

I need to redownload this but I’m up to give it try. I think I was in the guild when the game first dropped.



You are still listed in the guild with your level 4 toon.

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What a minute…Hustler has a higher toon!!!

Yes and @anon42851937 won the contest last night when we all tried to guess if he or @Gunny was a higher level in TESO. Johnny is at 10 while Gunny made it to 7.

Of course this was one of a certain podcast host’s first lies when he stated “he would sink his teeth into it”.

Nope not yet

I’ll add you next time i’m on.

And for anyone interested in returning or trying the game out, the GRG Dungeon Diving is a great way to do so. It’s super casual and we usually roll through the dungeons with an army. So you shouldn’t have any problems.

I’m just trying to build up the culture within the guild to get used to grouping up and running things.

And if anyone needs some slight convincing to try it, this might help. $8.99


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I’m in. Day off again.

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Just a reminder that this event is tonight. Come fuck up some dungeons with GRG.

i wil be on.

I’m hoping to be there. My youngest has been pulling some bs and staying up past his bed time.

Still good to go. @kelseama should be there too.

Are we doing Cyrodil?

I am sorry I will not be there to keep everyone organized this time.

I don’t have a lowbie that can do cyrodiil. I need to work on that.

Also need to work on end game armor for the sorcerer. I think I’m going to take him into Cyrodiil for now on.

12.54GB update just now