Developer Visceral took to its official website to let us in on some upcoming changes related to weapons in Battlefield Hardline.
Every little change made in the following list was a result of user feedback, as explained by a post by developers. Visceral made adjustments for some balancing issues and improved overall experience. Here’s what you can expect:
K10: Reduce bullet damage to 33
Saiga and PTR: reduce recoil to bring more in line with Cop faction DMRs
HCAR and HK51: reduce recoil to bring more in line with SCAR-H and SA-58
.410 Jury: Increase damage per pellet to become more effective
FMG-9 and M/45: Increase damage per round to 25 and push out falloff start range to make these weapons more effective
Battlerifle min damage increased to 25 across the board
AKM min damage reduced to 24
I was hoping for a Shottie nerf.
really? i dont think they are that great… no range… up close they kill sure, well… they ARE shotguns.
Don’t rain on my fun because you are getting rekt. LoL.
They may need a little nerf, but not much. I rarely go positive with them. Of course I PTFO. In tight quarters your fucked if I get off a shot. Although I have gotten some surprisingly long kills with them.
They just need to nerf the range a bit. If you are in close proximity the shotgun should take you down fairly easily.
The range is killer for the shotties. They shouldn’t be 1 shot kills either (especially at the distance they can 1 shot). My Socom16 only does third of that damage at close range
Yeah, I was getting picked off by shotties from across large rooms the last time I played it. It seems a lot of games have the shotties way OP at launch anymore.
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i would say its because otherwise people dont use them at all. i can’t think of many games where the shotty was worth using. great in Halo but its a pretty CQC game. as far as COD, BF, Crysis, and other FPS games a submachine gun was better about everytime. close range spray and prey, farther range ADS…
the slugs were certainly OPed in older games. super easy to shoot people with no bullet drop. havent tried them in hardline yet.