Updating to Windows 10 when it is released ?

Some time in July , Windows 10 free upgrade will be released and I am curious as who might get it . I am also wondering how Microsoft is going do this change over upgrade . Anyone have any clues ?

IMO if your run windows now, and your pc can handle 10 then you are crazy not to upgrade with in the time allowed. Waiting a bit to see if it is buggy I could understand.

Plus it has Xbox Live built in and you hopefully can edit clips from your PC.

No clue how they will release it. Could be an update or a download off the M$ website. @anon42851937 probably knows.

As far as I understand it will an optional update in windows update. When they release you can choose to update. You got a year to decide and I’m sure a service pack will be out in that time to fix any major issues.

For me I will most likely update close to day 1. Reviews on the preview edition have been good.

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They’re sending it out through windows update for those signed up for the insider preview, and it sounds like that’s how they’ll offer it when released. To be honest, it’s getting pretty close to solid enough to put on anything that’s not business use out of my PCs.

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so been reading up on win 10 updates. This is deifntely going to be a day one isntall for me. Really have not heard any road blocks as to why i would not want to do it. It seems that Windows 10 is actually lighter then Windows 8 on resources which is arguably lighter then Win 7.

Here are some good articles from howtogeek.com

I’m currently running a VM of the latest build on the fast ring (10130) that’s using 4 GB of RAM, with SQL 2014 Express and our corporate pricing system, and it runs slightly smoother than my Win 7 VM set up identically.

I’m getting really tempted to just upgrade to the latest insider preview right now, but I want to test a couple of games and steam on the latest using my A10 PC I built for testing this.

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im also thinking of going into the win 10 preview on my PC. 2 friends said they havnt had any issues with it

Let me know how that turns out.

I’ll probably do that this weekend. May even get brave and load 10 on my main laptop to see how it goes.