Vanguard March 25 update patch notes: Improved spawn logic, Spy Plane fix, weapon XP buff

Following the major Season 2 Reloaded update, Vanguard devs decided to roll out another update to address the broken spawn system and fix the speed of Spy Planes.

Although the Vanguard Season 2 Reloaded update went live on March 22, the devs have wasted no time in providing yet another update that is set to improve the overall quality of the game.

Frustrated Vanguard players have been asking for spawn improvements seemingly since launch. Thankfully, this update is the first step in improving the Vanguard spawn system as the devs released an Experimental Playlist where players will notice better spawn logic.

Vanguard’s Experimental Playlist to improve spawn system

You’ve likely encountered numerous clips of players spawning into enemy bullets on Vanguard’s small maps like Ship Haus, Shipment, and Dome. On March 25 the devs released an Experimental Playlist where they’ve “modified the spawn system to better determine the quality of a given spawn location on the map.”

Players are encouraged to test out the new and improved spawns in this specific playlist as the devs are asking for your feedback. Feel free to share your experiences with the devs as they look to maximize their analysis of Vanguard’s spawn logic.

Spy Plane speed reverted

The Season 2 Reloaded update unintentionally reverted a previous issue that made Spy Planes and Counter-Spy Planes impossible to take down. These killstreaks are not meant to travel at lightning-quick speeds that will evade launchers and bullets.

The devs confirm that with this update, Spy Planes and Counter-Spy Planes will now travel at their intended speed, making them susceptible to enemy players.

Vanguard weapon XP buff

This massive change will not show up in the patch notes below but Sledgehammer Games revealed that this update has also increased the weapon XP earn rate.

Vanguard’s slow weapon level progression was one of the most frequent complaints alongside the broken spawn system. The fact that weapon XP has been buffed by a whopping 20% makes this update one of the most impactful we’ve seen in Vanguard to date.

Vanguard March 25 update patch notes

Experimental Playlist

A primary goal of the spawn system in Vanguard is to prevent players from spawning in a position where an enemy player immediately threatens them. We recognize that this system frequently fails to select a quality spawn point on smaller maps based on analytics and player feedback.

In the new Experimental Playlist, we have modified the spawn system to better determine the quality of a given spawn location on the map. With these changes, players should feel that spawns are less random, especially in objective-based modes. In the first iteration of what will be a reoccurring Experimental Playlist, players will experience a moshpit of the following maps and modes.

  • Maps: Shipment, Das Haus, and Dome
  • Modes (Core): Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Hardpoint

The Experimental Playlist is available now! Give it a try and share your feedback with us on in our survey.


The goal of the following changes is to transition some of the Chariot 18″ Rapid Barrel penalties to the .50 BMG Mags. Players should find that the .50 BMG BAR is now more challenging, while the Barrel Attachment is a viable option on a wider variety of loadouts. Note: These changes were implemented on March 22.

  • Chariot 18″ Rapid Barrel (BAR)
    • Decreased recoil while firing.
  • .50 BMG 20/30 Round Mags (BAR)
    • Increased initial recoil while firing.
    • Decreased horizontal recoil.


  • Engineer (Perk 2)
    • Players equipped with the Engineer Perk will no longer have their radar scrambled while an enemy Counter-Spy Plane is active.
      • Note: This change was implemented on March 22.

Field Upgrades

  • Tactical Insertion
    • Addressed an issue that causes an excessive amount of lights to emit once placed.


  • Spy Plane (4 Kills)
    • Reverted unintentional increase to cruise speed.
  • Counter-Spy Plane (4 Kills)
    • Reverted unintentional increase to cruise speed.
    • The following Killstreaks are no longer restricted while an enemy Counter-Spy Plane is active.
      • Counter-Spy Plane (4 Kills)
      • Glide Bomb (5 Kills)
      • Bombing Run (7 Kills)
  • Ball Turret Gunner (12 Kills)
    • Increased audio levels while active.
      • Note: This change was implemented on March 22.


  • Arms Race
    • Players can no longer spawn on squadmates who are in a contested base.
    • Lethal and Tactical Equipment is no longer immediately refilled when a Field Upgrade is purchased at a Buy Station.
    • Players will no longer respawn with weapons equipped from the ground.
    • Improved the Victory and Defeat UI at the end of a match.
    • Addressed an exploit that allowed players within the protected area of an owned base to be killed by the Goliath Field Upgrade.

Ranked Play

  • Weapon Blueprints
    • Blueprints can now be equipped in Ranked Play and appear in-game with correct visuals.
    • Restricted attachments are flagged in Create-a-Class and automatically removed if the Blueprint is equipped in-game.
  • UI Improvements
    • Players using a controller can now cycle through player entries in the lobby list before a Ranked Play match starts.
    • Added various UI fixes.


Side Quests

  • New addition to the Dig Spots Side Quest for players to discover.
    • Note: This change was implemented on March 22.


  • Addressed an issue where Magazine attachments on the Welgun SMG could cause reduced reserve ammo in Zombies.
