Vintage Story - I Can't Believe It's Not TerraFirmaCraft

TL;DR: A game came out. It’s basically an old Minecraft mod that was made into its own game. If that interests you, here’s a server. If not, you do you.


Someone over on another forum mentioned this. I went and checked it out, realized exactly how similar to TFC it was, and bought it. Crop rotation, knapping, more in-depth blacksmithing (though less annoying than TFC had). There’s modding support, though there aren’t really many mods yet. It’s currently going for $9.

I mucked the server up one too many times so it is no more.

The devs like to watch people play so if you stream or otherwise record yourself, join the Discord or let me know.

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The server had a restart because I fucked up an upgrade. Here’s the result of three days of work.

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