Warzone devs plan to bring updated UI to allow for more modes

Infinity Ward’s Joe Cecot has confirmed on Twitter that the studio plans to revamp the UI in Call of Duty: Warzone playlist selection screen to allow for more clarity and additional modes to be shown at the same time.

Currently, the screen gets way to cluttered and modes get lost into additional menus to keep all the modes active at the same time.

This future UI could help prevent having to hide modes away in smaller menus, and allow all options for players interested in picking the mode they want.


It will be back
in there after the weekend :). In the next big update there are further
improvements to this UI to allow for more room /

— Joe Cecot (@JoeCecot) June
13, 2020


It’s not clear yet when this new update will be coming.

Cecot has also confirmed that Plunder will make a return soon, but they had to remove to allow for the MP Free Trials and Rumble mode to be added to the game. There was no room for those modes for the weekend.


It will be back
soon. Just made room for MP trial and Warzone Rumble. I love it too

— Joe Cecot (@JoeCecot) June
13, 2020


Warzone menu hints at upcoming modes, including BR 200

Infinity Ward appears to be hinting at upcoming modes for Call of Duty: Warzone through in-game menu that shows up for free to play users who access some of the MP free weekend playlists feature in the menu.

The message gives players to see the MP Free Weekend and what it offers, but the image behind it showcases modes that are not yet released.

The modes that are shown are:

  • BR 200 (200 players)
  • Plunder 200 (200 players)
  • BR Juggernaut

BR Juggernaut has been teased about the Warzone Season 4 roadmap, but 200 players mode has not been mentioned for Call of Duty: Warzone yet.

We’re not sure yet when these new modes will be added to Call of Duty: Warzone. Initially, prior to Warzone’s announcement and release, there were rumors of the game supporting 200 players. Warzone launched with 150 players as the studio wanted to ensure stability and performance with 150 players versus 200 players.

Thanks for the image, @DissolvexD!