Watch_Dogs 2 Gets a Small Patch

Thanks to Watch_Dogs 2 being available for almost two months, it’s just receiving tiny tweaks at this point. This week Ubisoft are releasing Title Update 1.09, which serves to nerf a dominant multiplayer gun and remove an online exploit.

The small patch notes are below:

YourBoySerge Nerf – This .50 Cal sniper rifle has been the subject of some debate in the community, and is considered to be overpowered in online play. In this patch, we’ve reduced the number of rounds in the magazine from 6 to 1, and we will continue to monitor and balance this beasty rifle.

World Map/Online Invasion Exploit – Fixed an issue where players could help detect the presence of an invader in their session using an exploit with the World Map.
The patch is available now on PS4 and will be available on Xbox One “in the coming days.”