Weekend raids

Some friends and I will be raiding this weekend, and we have a few open spots. We play on XB1, all know each other, and like to joke/dick around a bit while raiding. Should have 2-3 spots for each raid. We’ve all cleared them before, but we’re hardly experts so don’t expect speed runs. Willing to take those with experience or anyone wanting to learn assuming you have the right level, firepower, and some beer!

Saturday (drinking raid): Crota’s End NM 2pm central. If we clear it fast, we may move on to CE HM. We have not cleared CE hard yet.

Sunday: VoG HM 10c

Let me know if you’re interested or if you have any questions. Look forward to meeting a few of you.

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@mac79pr is this your type of thing?

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Not looking for raids. Just whatever rewards you with strange coins. I want to do the weekly heroic on lv 30 so I can snatch the 9 coins I need in one run for Icebreaker.

The weekly has matchmaking now, so you can just hop into it. Also, 10 strange coins is a potential reward for the Nightfall if you need a lot of coins.

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Now that I got the gun I needed, I’m up for some raids.

Hit me up if you have a spot.