What games are on your radar that release this year (2018)?

With most of the conferences for E3 over we have a good idea of what is left to come out this year. Which games do you plan to pick up?

I plan to get…

Madden 19 (Xbox)
NBA 2K19 (Xbox)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PS)
Days Gone (PS)
Spiderman (PS)
Forza Horizon 4 (Xbox)
AC: Odyssey (PC)
Battlefield V (Xbox) - Only to try BR mode I wasn’t going to get it.
Red Dead 2 (Xbox)
Fallout 76 (Xbox) - Maybe PC down the road depending on how they do mod support
Session (PC) - I was a backer so already have it purchased

Overkill’s The Walking Dead (Xbox)
Ghost of Tsushima - 2018?
Ace Combat 7 - 2018?
Last of Us 2 - 2018?
Jurassic World Evolution - Came out today. Not sure yet.

Between Q4 of 2018 and Q1 of 2019 my wallet is going to be screaming. Damn good time to be a gamer. I am sure I am missing something.


Planning to get:

  • Fallout 76 (PC or Xbox)
  • Battlefield V (Xbox)


  • Black Ops 4 (XBox)
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PC)
  • Metro Exodus (PC)
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I plan to get that also but it’s next February.

Oh yeah forgot it got delayed.

I’m a basic bitch so I’ll stay with my shooters.

  • CoD BLOPS 4 - Blackout game mode sold me. No paid DLC as well
  • Battlefield 5 - I want to say no but I won’t. I’ll get it.
  • Forza Horizon 4 - FH3 was so damn good… I thought I liked tracks better (Forza 7) but that game felt stale compared to Horizons.
  • The Division 2 - Really excited for this again. Ubisoft really did an amazing job supporting D1 and I’m looking forwards to what Division 2 offers.
  • Anthem - I really need to see more on this but this looks to be a Destiny 2 competitor. Is it a Destiny Killer? We’ll see.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 - maybe. probably. Only to game with GRG. I really wish this was going to be GTA 6. We need a GTA title built for this gen console.
  • Halo Infinite (whenever that ever comes out)

I see I broke the thread’s rules (of being 2018). I don’t care. I do what I want!


Red Dead 2
Fallout 76
Battlefield V

Black Ops 4
Forza Horizon 4
Madden 19

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My for sure purchases are:
Destiny: Year 2
Red Dead 2

On the Radar:
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (sale)
We Happy Few (sale)
Anthem (watching closely)
Forza Horizon 4 (maybe)

Taking a hard second look at Game Pass with First Party Exclusives releasing at launch into the Games Pass.

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For sure:
Fallout 76 (Pre-Ordered that Power Armor edition already coz im a fan boy!) :wink:
Destiny: Year 2
Red Dead 2

Battlefield V
Days Gone
AC: Odyssey

I tried. Sold out at BB and Amazon.

I got lucky… I went about 20 minutes after the announcement on BB. it gave an out of stock message a couple of times on the PS4 version; kept trying and got it eventually.

Hopefully they open up more stock. Same issue with the PIP Boy edition on FO4 that they eventually addressed.

I would love to have the Pip boy too. Just the case for it is going for $50+ on ebay.

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Yeah I missed out on the first shipment but signed up for reminders on just about every supplier and ended up getting it the 2nd round through BB. There were so many people buying them up at pre-order and then reselling them for double and triple before it was even out, it was ridiculous.

Madden 19
Fallout 76
Battlefield 5

So far I think that’s all I’ll get. Lately, I only play 1 or 2 games at a time so that should be plenty