What’s up from an “aged” gamer!!!

Older gamer, mid 50’s
Been gaming since the early 70’s.
PS is my choice, but loving some ColdWar with cross-platform.
Deus-Vult is my Activision tag,
armedfish is my PSN tag.
Would love to meet some gaming buddies :blush: I play many games, Nioh2/COD/MHW/BF/just to name a few.


Welcome to the community. Have a lot playing COD here. Drop your activision ID in this thread.

Welcome from another mid 50s gamer.

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Welcome to GRG!


Welcome GRG is fun if you can roll with crazy

Welcome to GRG! Play on Playstation as well and ill send you a friend request. Lots of COD here thats for sure.

My Activision gt is Deus-Vult
PSN armedfish.
Is there a group that plays Cold War? Would like to team up ,& show off a clan tag. HC preferred, S&D/TDM/etc…
I will gladly show my skills :blush: (for an old guy. Lol)

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Lots playing CW and MW as well as Warzone. XBox side is a bit more populated but with cross-play that helps. Ill play any mode and use to prefer HC so we can get some games in. @Lala_Calamari @beers_and_leafs should be able to add you to the regiment and get you the shiny clan tag. :smirk:

Welcome to GRG!

I added you to the @PlayStationPlayers and @codplayers Groups.

Putting the pressure on! :grinning: I’ll most likely forget, hopefully @beers_and_leafs remembers. One thing is the Regiment is only for MW (or Warzone I guess). God forbid BLOPS have that feature.

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Welcome to grg glad to have you join the ranks in the asylum plenty of meds for all

Welcome to the community

Welcome to GRG