Whattup Doods! DETH_HEAD45 here


DETH_HEAD45 here but you all can just call me…DETH_HEAD45. Been a GRG member for over a year now and its been a blast. I’m kind of hit and miss with clan nights as I don’t really play COD but I do play Destiny, Battlefield, and whatever else catches my fancy. Right now, about the only time I really get to play is later on in the evenings around 10pm Central. I have a 7 month old that came outta nowhere. So its been a battle to find some game time. I have an XBone and a PS4. Tags listed below. Hit me up. My friends list on the PS4 is seriously lacking. XBone has been a blast though.



Welcome. . Again. I have you on my psn friends list and didn’t remember from what. Now I know. Bf hard line beta is great.

Hey Deth_Head45. Looks like we’ll be doing more BF (4 and Hardline) as I think we have a few full squads.

Hello again, Dethhead!

Welcome! I’ll add you to the FL right now.