Who plays Neverwinter on the Xbox One ?

I need help understanding certain parts of the game and how to better use my character and it’s abilities .

I do.

But more info is needed.

What parts do you not understand?

What class are you?

Have you played a MMO before? This one is pretty standard/basic.

I have a Great Warrior ( level 16 ) and an Elf Mage ( level 6 ) that I am using right now . I need to know how is this best way to get a mount , a companion , how is the best way to earn XP , How to use left bumper button to use secondary powers ( or what ever that stuff is , ever time I press the bumper , I have to hold it and I still can not get anything to work ) , can you farm on this game ? What is the best character to have ? Can you team up with friends to complete quest ( I know you can join groups on a dungeon quest ) ? These are just a few questions I have now . Yes I have played MMO’s before .

Mount: You can buy one at level 20 for 5 Gold. At level 20 you will get a token for a rental that last a set period of time. By the time it runs out you should have 5 gold unless you have been spending gold. You can also buy them in the Zen store but regardless you can’t ride them till level 20.

Companion: If you registered with the Arc Games website from the game start screen or in the menus you get a companion from the start. You pick them up at the gift vendor in the main city. At level 16 you are given a quest that will let you get your first companion.

Secondary power: Press LB + X and eventually you will unlock LB+Y

XP: Just play the game. Do the dailies you get from Rhix. Make sure you get a dungeon key from Armario Clavus(you get one free a day, then you have to buy them), and make sure you pray (LB+ right on the Dpad) every hours inside one of the blue glowing rings. You have portable ones in your inventory. Astrial Diamonds are the main currency in the game.

Best character: I guess that only matters in PVP which is rather poor. Just compliment your Class with a companion that will help. EX get the healer companion for your warrior.

Farming: There really is no reason to IMO

Friends: Yes you can group, but it doesn’t do anything for someone higher than you. So it makes it tough to get people to group with you to do lower level stuff if they are dead set on leveling their toon.

Next time I see you on I will jump in and get you added to the Guild. Also look for @Wikidpoke he plays this all the time.

Cool !!!

I play all the time. I will be on Sunday.