Wildlands PvP Open Beta coming later this summer

Get ready to return to Bolivia, because Ghost War – the new PvP mode for Ghost Recon Wildlands – is coming in a free update this fall, with a 4v4 team deathmatch open beta on all platforms later this summer. In the new Ghost War mode, teams will fight to get a foothold in the country after the fall of the Santa Blanca Cartel. These teams will choose from a roster of specialized classes, including Scout, Sniper, Tank, and more. Each class will have its own strengths, weaknesses, and dedicated perks, so players will have to consider their combat strategy and pick a team composition that supports their playstyle. They will then take to the battlefield in open-environment maps, ranging from mountains and deserts to jungles and forests. As matches play out in all kinds of weather and at all times of day, players will have to marshal their knowledge of the Wildlands to help them claim victory.

“Our objective with Ghost War was to build upon the main game’s elements of co-op teamplay and open, tactical gameplay,” said Lead Game Designer Lucian Istrate. To expand the tactical toolset, the team has added a new suppression system that affects your vision while you’re under heavy fire, and implemented new sound markers to help players locate their enemies’ position. Istrate cautions that “all of these elements will make team play, communication, and strategic skills more crucial than ever.”

Ghost War was designed from the ground up with the community in mind. Similar to the pre-launch period of Ghost Recon Wildlands, the team in Ubisoft Paris brought a select group of community members to the studio to gather critical feedback during the development process. Visit the Ghost Recon news page to see some early impressions from our community members who got their hands on the new PvP mode.

Players looking to get a slice of the action before launch can join an open beta that will be available on all platforms later this summer. For the latest beta info, visit ghostrecon.com.


The PvE was good for a bit. Now it feels like The Division. PvP should be interesting if they keep it realistic


Have u not started it yet?

October 10 will be the full release. I played a bunch of the beta and I believe this has a ton of potential. It’s a tactical shooter with no respawn. The one game mode I played was good, and I managed to unlock all classes available. There will be 12 classes total and they were fairly well balanced in the beta. I’m really looking forward to this and seeing what they have to offer

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