For those unaware, Twitch extensions are add-ons to the platform’s live-streaming experience that allow viewers to interact with a stream in a variety of ways. These extensions are usually developed by talented folk in the Twitch community or other third-party companies, but occasionally they are made by game companies themselves as a way to encourage viewers to watch their game. Gearbox are now one such company as they have announced the ‘ECHOcast’ to be used for the upcoming Borderlands 3.
With this ECHOcast extension, viewers will be able to the Vault Hunter profile of the streamer they are watching. This profile will provide those watching with an initial overview that shows the character, their name and quick views at their inventory and skill trees. In addition, there will be separate, more detailed tabs for both inventory and skill trees, both of which are likely to be topics of discussion in the streamer’s chat. That’s not the only benefit however, as those who have linked their Twitch and SHiFT accounts will also be able to win loot! Whenever a streamer opens a rare loot chest, viewers will be able to opt-in to for a chance to receive something that the streamer found in that exact chest. The winners of this loot lottery will then be able to pick one which will scale to their level when retrieved in-game. Claptrap — who else? — talks us through what that will look like in the video below.
The first time viewers will be able to try this out will be for Borderlands 3 's worldwide gameplay reveal tomorrow, May 1st. The game itself is currently scheduled to release on September 13th.