World of Tanks This Month for FREE

Who is planning on playing getting this FREE game and giving it the Ol’ GRG try? Post up and tell us who is playing and who is wanting to go to GRG Tank School! Don’t be scared that it has a learning curve, it’s not too bad. My rule of thumb for WoT, which is a FREE game, is to give it about 10 hours. I do believe that most of us have tanks of all ranges to get you going and get you blasting tanks in, the FREE game, WoT!


I will be getting this and will attend school house.

So what you are saying is this is a FREE game?

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It is free? Fuck that I like paying for games.

I am sure I will download it, but not sure I have much time to put in to it.

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What he said. All my current time is going into ESO.

I am already wet , waiting for this game . Improved graphics , better sounds , a lot of different maps with weather changes and night time battles , improved servers , new tank nations ( when I was a beta tester , we only had three nations and only part of their tanks ) which will give you about seven tank slots plus two " free " premium tanks to play with . This will give me about sixteen tanks on levels 1 to level 10 , all of which I have not spent a dime on . I will help in anyway to teach people about how to play . This game is a lot of fun but if your tank gets killed , you will not respawn in the battle and will have to wait in the lobby until next match if you are playing with friends otherwise you can just jump into another tank battle . It is like a " search and destroy " , you die . you’re done until next match . This game has a lot to offer but there is a small learning curve if you want win .

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This site will help to learn where to shoot tanks to get better results in battle .

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Whut day again can I download? @GRG_Jackal @HAWKLANDER


@Gunny July 10th

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i will be down loading this- Another chance to shoot Hawklander ! Bonus

Fucker !!!

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