XBox Live

I swear to God this gaming “service” goes down more often than Jenna Jameson. I completely lost count of how often it’s been down in the past year.

It’s like MS was taken over by EA.


Yeah it has been quite frustrating.

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Yep. It’s a weekly thing at best, usually more. WTF is going on with MS? The 360 was solid. Live worked, the UI was much better. I was bored to tears derping around in GTA. Couldn’t even get in populated rooms to run missions.

Yeah I rarely log in anymore. If we aren’t schedule to play something I avoid it. I have even unhooked it from my satellite box. They need to get it fixed real soon.

I’m very disappointed the xbox experience this time with the one. The psn, while not perfect, has been pretty good. It seems like every time I get on live something is down.

As Lala said I really miss the UI of the 360. I hate sounding old with “it was better in the old days” but instead of taking what works and tweaking it they decided to blow it up.

I do not know what the ps4 UI is but last gen the 360 blew the ps3 out of the water with it. Now it is a pain in the ass to do anything.

What sucks about the UI is it takes so many clicks to do something. Just adding or inviting people to a game is a real chore. Want to read a message? It’s even worse. It’s just silly that the smartglass app is quicker than the damn console.

I honestly think that was intentional, to move traffic to the smartglass app. Overall, I like the look and feel of the UI, but I agree that it’s too cumbersome to get some things done. This UI would get a 100% improvement if they just added a quick start menu like the 360 had.