Xbox One Impressions


Like what I’m seeing. Shaping up to be a huge timesink that’ll earn me some major wife aggro.


You must turn your wife into a gamer… I got lucky and married one… The only Aggro is time…we both want more.

For a while I got her hooked along side of me in City of Heroes/Villains. Was a great time. Maybe I can get her into TESO…hrmmm…worth a shot! Hell of a lot better than that stupid Candy Crush shit she plays.

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If you did it once you can do it again, I have faith in your desire to play games.

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Go down on her

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Westcott1984 looking for an invite to the guild. Char name damioun

I think most people quit playing TESO in GRG.

@westcott1984, what system are you on? I can inv. for xbox.

So how is this on the Console compared to the PC?
I have been messing with NeverWinter on the XB1, but have been debating for sometime now about getting TESO on XB1

Personally I have been more tempted to go back to Neverwinter than ESO. Something about ESO just doesn’t appeal to me. Always say I wish there was a strong MMO on the consoles.

Both were good in their own ways. I liked how Neverwinter handled map chat. You could use your phone or tablet to chat. The game is a bit more complicated and loves to remind you to spend money.

ESO is also pretty solid. @deSoldier2001 is still playing. I think Level cap is too far away for a new player. Also, I just quit GW2 which I was fanatical about. Think I needed a longer break from that before playing this one.

It is the same as on PC with better controls IMO. I still wouldn’t go back/ and or purchase it without friends playing. It will get old fast by yourself.

@EnyoBellona there are 3-5 of GRG still playing this if you want a guild invite.

thinking about going to pick this up this week from gamestop