Better Call Saul (Spoilers)

A theory from a reviewer.

What this excruciating final scene drives home is that Jimmy really does not understand the consequences of being in a relationship. He has dealt with his Chuck problem as if he is a free agent. But the way he reads that final letter — ice cold, brittle, flippant — shows that he’s turned his heart into stone. And he never even thinks that Kim, who cares for him, wants to be there for him, even tried to protect him from Chuck’s passive-aggressive last twist of the knife, might be hurt by his utter rejection of human feeling. He’s decided to go it alone when it comes to dealing with the past and moving forward. He doesn’t see that this shuts Kim out and makes her feel like a fool for caring, for trying.

That’s a pretty big stretch. Why would he all of a sudden become cold to the girl he’s been friends with forever and now dating? She’s way above his league.

Obviously a switch flipped with Jimmy but I’m hoping for something a bit more drastic. Chuck dying was rough but is it enough to send him over the edge? Or was Chuck (twisted as he was) his morale compass?

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I am thinking him wanting to please Chuck was his moral compass and now that’s gone.


Liked the episode but man they went with a kind of cliff hanger ending. Saul working at a cell phone store was great to me.

Best part of the show. Nacho may have saved his life with this act.

This show just keeps getting better.

Nacho is my favourite character in the show for sure.

I was a fan of his acting since Far Cry 3.

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Interesting fan theory out there that Kim swapped out and wrote Chuck’s letter that Jimmy saw but Bob Odenkirk doesn’t think that is the case.

Pinata scene was epic. What a great show.

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You just knew one of the guys in the pinata room had to be Huell. They are slowly showing the rift that will happen between Kim and Jimmy.

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And Gus is a fricking mad man. He’s got issues and would make a great GRG staff member.

That opening scene was phenomenal.

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Good lord that Saul scam for Huell was epic and awesome!!

Yea, it really was. I’m curious to see where the finish off this season.

Fantastic episode and setting up some great things for the season finale.

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Is it already the season finale tomorrow?

Correct, tonight is the finale.

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  • I think the German digging crew all get killed off after they complete the project.
  • Kim gets caught in a Jimmy scheme.
  • Kim and Jimmy are done. (easy mode prediction)
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Yeah I don’t think Gus would let people with knowledge of this walk away that don’t work for him.

And by caught, I mean in a bad way. Like disbarred bad.