Black Ops Cold War Zombies ‘Firebase Z’ map: release date & first details

Black Ops Cold War season 1 brings a new Zombies map, Firebase Z. Here’s everything we know about Cold War Zombies’ second map.

Firebase Z, also called Outpost 25, is the brand new Zombies map coming to Black Ops Cold War during Season 1.

Set in the jungle of Vietnam, Firebase Z continues the storyline that started in Die Maschine. As described in Activision’s blog, “with the destruction of the WWII-era “Projekt Endstation” site after investigating the otherworldly Dark Aether anomaly in Poland, Requiem now sets its focus on the latest Dark Aether outbreak site: Outpost 25, known by the code name “Firebase Z.”

black ops cold war zombies firebase z map

A picture uploaded by Treyarch in their 115 Day blog post gives us a grainy, aerial view of the map. However, like any Zombies map, expect many more areas to be discovered when Firebase Z drops.

When does Cold War Zombies Firebase Z map release?

The new Black Ops Cold War Zombies map, Firebase Z, is set to launch on February 4 and will be free for all players.

It comes during Season 1, as part of teased new Zombies maps and modes that were announced in the roadmap. In the weeks leading up to its launch, a reveal trailer and more information surrounding the zombie-infested firebase will be revealed.

Firebase Z Trailer

The first trailer for the Black Ops Cold War Firebase Z experience was released on January 28, giving fans a look at the new Vietnam Zombies experience.

Tombstone perk coming to BOCW Zombies

black ops cold war zombies tombstone perk

Along with the launch of Firebase Z comes the return of an old perk: Tombstone.

If you don’t know already, when downed, Tombstone will allow you to “become a shadow in the Dark Aether armed with your weapons that can revive you.” Be careful though, “if your shadow loses all its health, you die.”

New to Black Ops Cold War Zombies, perks can be upgraded. Spending Aetherium Crystals will grant Tombstone the following upgrades:

  • Tier I – Shadow form can regenerate health.
  • Tier II – Increase downed duration to 60 seconds.
  • Tier III – On death, drop a Tombstone stash that saves your weapons, equipment, and resources.

Tombstone will be available through its perk machine in Firebase Z on February 4, and can also be purchased through the Der Wunderfizz machine in Die Maschine.

Can you still play Die Maschine?

Die Maschine will still be available to play in Black Ops Cold War Zombies.

Black ops cold war zombies die maschine

We know this through the confirmation that the Tombstone perk will be available to purchase through the Der Wunderfizz machine on Die Maschine on February 4.

Treyarch provided a friendly reminder that if you haven’t discovered all of the in-game intel hidden on Die Maschine and Onslaught yet, you should try to find it all before the story moves on. It will be crucial to understanding the overarching Zombies story.


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Sounds awful.