Death Stranding Mega Thread

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I’m intrigued by this game.

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Never has a trailer revealed so much and yet I’ve understood so little…


I have a feeling this is one of those PS games that people will either love or hate, with little in between.

its Hideo Kojima. It will have 8 hours of cut scenes that will leave you more confused than when you started the game and 4 hours of actual gameplay.

Interesting indeed.

Either this game is going to be a masterpiece or kojima has no idea what he’s doing and it’s a convoluted mess

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That sir is what we call a @anon42851937 podcast hedge statement.


Not a hedge…that’s just how polarizing Kojimas games are. You will have people in both camps with little in-between

Either way… it’s going to sell. Probably be weird AF but I expect no less.

Kojima talks about how his creativity is influenced by world events. How movie productions gives him an outside the box view of making video games. And what his goal for Death Stranding is.