What no 250 dollar collectors edition LOL. Yes Digital Deluxe looks good.
Alright…looks like they sucked me back in again. Hopefully they have plenty of story not on Grimore cards, and utilize the actors in the trailer well.
@anon3687162 softball served.
My head almost exploded with all of the content rushing to my head at once.
yeah it will be just like the Destiny when it released. Probably some weapons and strikes. Its shitty but not a game breaker.
It’s amazing that it’s a whole year.
yeah its been confirmed its only exclusive content. News articles like to embellish.
I doubt its all DLC and if it was I would not buy it. Cause 1 year without any content updates in this day in age would not fly. Especially not with the track record this game has on under delivering.
I wish they would just stop this exclusive console stuff. Sell as many games as you can to make better gamed duh!
No shit. You know Destiny 2’s DLC will just reuse the same shit in Desinty 2. Maybe they’ll go hog wild and reskin an enemy (like the taken). As good as this game is this is it’s main issue. And I think it’s a really bad problem.
DLC schedule leaked
Got an announcement email for some gameplay. Surprised they are not dropping this at E3. Anyway here are the details. They have a countdown on their website as well.
On May 18, at 10AM Pacific time, we’ll be taking the stage for the worldwide gameplay premiere of Destiny 2. Be a part of the livestream audience as we reveal the brand new adventure that awaits us this fall. Learn more about the action and the story that will propel you from one new world to the next.
Tune in at https://www.destinythegame.com
Time to fire up the hype engine. Let’s get this mega thread rolling.
Here’s the Destiny 2 reveal from Twitch:
If you prefer your information in text-based format, there is a Reddit thread below that should answer your questions.
Beta: No information on dates yet, implication that there will be an Open Beta after the early entry for those that do preorder
PC: Battle.net was stated as the only place for PC players to purchase/play Destiny 2
Xbox One / PS4: No further details were mentioned.
Johnny can be that way.
If PS4 then I’m happy to help - whatever your level.
I enjoy the gameplay more than anything else.
Similar in what way?
Gameplay doesn’t look hugely different but they seem to have opened up the non-matchmaking activities at least.
Be interesting to see how that works…
Eh, I had planned to take a mate all the way through from Lv1. Though he never got around to playing it…
Benefits to platform?
None in terms of content (for Destiny 1), though there are more members here in the clan on Xbox.
Announcement regarding PC support for Destiny 2, along with a few general comments supplied by Bungie for their press release.