ESO Summerset Chapter

Anyone else’s ESO stuttering a bit since the new DLC? I’ve been having some issues. Nothing major, just annoying. I hear Cyrodiill is a shit show at the moment.

Hoping they get a patch out soon.

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I noticed some and map glitching as well. Sound gets choppy occasionally too.

I attempted to play PvP last night after the 11 GB update.

PvP is a broken right now. 4 frozen screens over 1 hour of play, so much fun.

Cyrodiil is so broken right now. Constant screen freezes, seems like big fights brings that on. I played for a bit last night but bailed after I got sick of it. They promised Cyrodiil improvements with Summerset but it actually runs worse.


@ESOPlayers What do you think of Summerset so far?

I’m a good way through the main story line and probably have about 3/4 of all the quests done (non story). The setting is beautiful, it’s very well done. The cities and castles all look great. The new Dolmen things (geysers) are kind of silly and I hate the Sloads voice.

The main story is finally picking up. I think I enjoyed Morrowind a lot more. We do run into a blast from the past. I’m curious as to how that peson’s story pans out.

I haven’t done anything along the lines with ranking up the Psijic order yet. Not sure if I will as I want to bring my High Elf Sorcerer through when I finish with the DK. I will be curious as to how static the story is. Will my High Elf Sorc still be considered an outsider? I’ll be disappointed if that’s the case although I expect it will be.

Finally, Summerset has completely broken Cyrodiil and Zenimax’s lack of communication towards fixing it is upsetting. Large scale battles causes everyone’s screen’s to freeze up completely. You have to restart the game to fix it. Happens several times per night all in the mist of really good fights. They really need to update the community with what’s going on and when they expect to fix it. Staying silent just turns people away.

What’s everyone’s thoughts towards the new chapter?

I have been taking my time with it. Trying to soak it all in also. I’d like to offer some sort of criticism, but I’m really not good at that sort of thing.
I second all of your points about the environment and setting.
I enjoyed the geyser event I participated in, but I haven’t really tried to hit those a whole lot. I spent a lot of time just opening wayshrines and such.
I agree on the comparison to Morrowind. I feel the story there seemed more interesting on the whole, but I haven’t seen Summerset through to conclusion.
I’ll say this, Raz freaking took the story to a new level a few times, for me.

Also, the Golden Knight… I approve… that is all on that note.

I’m a sucker for the Daedric stories, though, and I’ve been real happy with how much Daedric interaction we’ve gotten as a whole from the game. So far, for me, Summerset has been everything I could have wanted, and a little more.
I love Elysium.

I’m looking forward to starting a new character and playing through the story from Tutorial to Ending… that may be what I do this weekend… I hear tell we have a few new people leveling lowbies… A good time to have a spare something to quest with.

I’m a big fan of Raz as well.

I haven’t touched much of Summerset until last night when I joined up on @Ronin which is where he is starting out. It is definitely a beautiful setting and I am looking forward to going through it especially with my High Elf and tying that in with the Psijic order.

It has been quite awhile since I have played prior to picking up both expansions and overall with how massive the game is and all the quests and lore I am happy I chose to pick this back up and get back into it again. I am already thinking about what my next character will be. :slight_smile:

Its also good to see that Destiny isn’t the only clan growing as in just the short time i have been playing ESO with you all we are getting more and more into the Guild and I only see us adding more. I am having a lot of fun and @ixL0N3W0LFxi maybe we’ll get our Trials run some day lol.

I have never been to Cyrodiil as of yet so I can’t speak to the brokeness but I do find that when we get into heavily populated areas it is not uncommon to get home screened and that can be pretty frustrating.

You know… now that you mention it… that’s a good observation.
I think I’ve had the same thing happen in Auridon square recently.
That place is always packed with local voice chat pounded.
I wonder if it’s a combination of local users and open voice chat channels?
I didn’t think anything about it until you mentioned it.

I ignored all the story and just leveled the Psijic line. Cyrodiil was broken last week when I tried it. That most recent patch didn’t address PvP at all. I think if they don’t address it soon the game may die for a lot of players. For me, Pvp is all that has kept me interested for so long.

Just wrapped up Summerset for the 2nd time. Banged out the main story, all the quests (or those I found), all the skyshards and world bosses. I need to do Cloudrest at some point.

I also spent some time in BGs. Fun but full of Nightblades.

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