I switched over. None of you mofos every respond to my requests though!!

Requests on PSN? Or forum posts?

I was about to ask the same. There aren’t any outstanding request as of a hour or two ago. Can’t check now as their system is down.

I don’t think Aubrey is referring to clan requests.
I think it was a more general comment to game invites or the like.

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PSN requests.

That sucks.

Try @Partho23, @LudwigVonTokkenTakke, @Doc_Dempsey, @Need_Rounds_Now or @mnvikesfan.

That reminds me, you sent me a PSN inv once but I’d fallen asleep hours before and accidentally left my PS4 on.
Sorry! I’ll send you one whenever I’m on and see you in D2.

Edit: Also Minion1981 - not usually on at my hours but often up for a fireteam

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Minion1981 on psn :slight_smile:

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We had a few new people join in today. We’ll need them to go to Clan 2. Especially if you’re PS4.

Loving how many PS 4 folks signing up Good to see !

Destiny clans are cross platform. We need people in the 2nd one. Apply here:

Hey who is setting up the clan for pc when servers go live today?,

If you are getting Destiny for PC make sure you link your Blizzard account with Then apply to clan 2. You need to register your blizzard handle to get credit.

Then let @Lala_Calamari know what your blizz handle is so that he can reject…err I mean accept the app.

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This is the clan to apply to:

@Lala_Calamari i applied for the Destiny2 PC clan just now

What’s your blizzard handle?

btag is bangurdead#1948

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Someone approved you.

Idk If its possible but an irl friend of mine just applied to joing the clan on Destiny Pc, i was wondering if there was anyway i could snag him an invite?