Lala's ESO Nightblade Build

Bombs, Bombs, everywhere there’s bombs. Grouped up with people, got hit once but we got bombed like 10+ times. Best way to combat that is to spread out and head on a swivel. Capping a point or repairing a wall, the bomb can happen anywhere.

There must be more out there now. I believe if you block it mitigates some of the damage but that relies on a callout. I’ve always played in small group of 3 or 4 on my main.

Not my video or an event that happened to us, just a demo of what I’m talking about. This is nuts and kind of what makes ESO’s PvP really shitty. I’m desparate to replace Guild Wars 2 World vs World and ESO’s Cyrodiil seems like it should work. It just doesn’t.

I think it’s because it’s too easy to get one shot killed and just hard to see what’s going on. Plus, it’s so damn laggy at times.

This is the shit I see a lot of now. Past 2 times out in the 30 day campaign. Like the guy recording it, I learned to hang a bit away from crowds.

I’m thinking I need more impen pieces. Also, after playing the new build for a bit I think I need more stamina recovery gear. I also want 2 pieces of heavy.

I might craft some of this set.

I checked out this build. He’s got a newer one but I don’t understand the magicka need.

This is the newer build. Using all Shacklebreakers.

wow that’s beast, you should just run that build.

Which one? Shacklebreakers?

BTW, I think my biggest foe is dealing with the lag. Nothing like getting killed out of the blue and seeing that you had 5-8 attacks on you. No way to even combat that.

I was referring to the bomber build. That looks pretty awesome to nuke that many people all at once, turns the tables quickly.

I saw it happen so many times the other night. I got hit once. We took a keep and where repairing the walls, first inner, then I went to outer. So it was a good bit of time. Fucker came out and nuked us all. I probably saw a good 10+ bombs (that worked) that night. Everytime people gathered a bomb would go off.

I’m gonna alter my tank nightlblade into bomber, looks fun to nuke people and annoy at same time.

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I’m trying to create a PvE build / gear set for my Nightblade. I’m loosely basing it off of an Alcast build. This one in particular. It’s not going to be exact as I don’t have the correct Spriggan’s gear but it can be close enough.

Mainly focusing on trying to get as close to this gear set as possible.

Right now I’m overloaded on Spriggan’s armor. I need some Hunding’s Rage Gear in medium with Divine stats. Can anyone craft this? (@xxxNAILBUNNYxxx @deSoldier2001 ?) I have the mats to make it. I know I need the DW weapons (I’d like daggers). I need to look over my Spriggan’s and see what I need to replace with Hundings. I don’t have the Monster set but I can worry about that later.

I thought i could buy the gear I needed and found some. Bought it thinking I was good but I missed the part where it was for 150 CP… FML. So I’m researching those pieces so I can make this stuff in the future.

I can make Medium and Heavy Hundings. Only a select few light pieces.

Medium is good, can you make it in Divines? Also, can you make the daggers? I didn’t look if I could, I’m didn’t check that on my Sorc last night.

We’ll have to meet up in Reaper’s March (or Bangkorai) sometime.

I should be able to make the daggers. I’ll have to check what traits I have for those pieces when I login tonight

I can make the daggers of medium armor.

That helm your not likely to get unless you can complete Cradle of Shadows on veteran.
I bought my helm for that from Golden vendor. All the helm pieces are infused trait from vendor.

I forgot to mention you’re SOL trying to get that Maelstrom bow.


What build are you using for Cyrodiil now? I just get nuked right away and do zero damage.

the build I use the most currently is a Sorc Tank build w/Negate. It only works in a large group, I mostly take all the agro, use immobilizes, apply proximity detonation and keep my negate ready for destro bombers.

my damage dealer, is stam NB. 5 piece eternal hunt med, 5 Viper med, 2 Selenes, w nirncrux trait on weapons. lots of dodge rolling.

Switched up a few things for the better. I swapped out a few Spriggans with stamina for Spriggens with impen. Want to keep that 5 piece bonus. I also swapped to my 2 handed Great sword and switched up abilities. I also swapped out my jewelry from Spriggans to Agility with Weapon glyphs (need 2 yellow glyphs as I thought only purple glyphs could go on purple items). I’m hitting a bit harder now and surviving longer in fights. I do think I need to get some better weapons. I’m using Spriggans and I should probably farm those from dungeons.

I also changed my abilities a bit. I’m loosely following this build. I swapped out Evasion for Rapids, I just need rapids and I’m not playing a ganker. I also need to change my mundus stone to the Serpent as I REALLY need stamina recovery, I need that badly.

Sets: 5x Eternal Hunt (Crafted, Stamina Glyphs)
- 3x Impenetrable
- 2x Well-Fitted
3x Agility Jewlery (Robust, Weapon Damage Glyphs)
2x Selene’s Undaunted (Impen/Well-Fitted, Stamina Glyphs)
1x Master’s Bow (Infused with Weapon Damage enchant)
1x Maelstrom Maul (Nirnhoned, Use damage poisons)

Abilities: Bar 1 (2H) - Rally, Mass Hysteria, Ambush, Surprise Attack, Executioner
Bar 2 (Bow) - Poison Injection, Vigor, Shuffle, Relentless Focus, Dark Cloak

Mundus Stone: Serpent (Stamina Recovery)

Food: Gold Food (Ozarga Bear)

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BTW, I hear they are getting rid of the AOE cap for the next patch. So I may be better off with my Sorc running Destro staff ult and Meteor. Nuke all the zergs!

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I can craft that Eternal Hunt just need mats.