Lala's ESO Nightblade Build

Don’t we all. For some reason I’m really short leather and I think it requires a ton of it.

if it’s for a lowbie can do it. 160 cp don’t have enough for 5 piece.

I think I want a new toy.

Need to run the Asylum Trial.

Might be shelving the NB again after I finish out Morrowind. My biggest enemy right now is the lag in Cyrodiil and not having my abilities cast. It’s really just maddening.

I’m also looking at sorc builds and I can craft (or get someone to craft) a nice Shacklebreakers gear set. Then I can nuke people from distance. I also want to see the upcoming changes to the next DLC. From my understanding they are going to be removing AOE caps. So I’m probably going to level up my Mage guild to get Meteor.

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