New Black Ops 4 Patch Update adds a small pay to win aspect to Blackout mode

Just like we mentioned with the last update, it seems every single update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has a catch that ruins the excitement update.

The last update with Days of Summer launch saw weapons being locked to Reserves only in Black Ops 4’s Black Market, leading Treyarch to make some (not massive) changes to it by adding more ways to earn Reserves.

Today’s update also has a catch to take away from the launch of Contracts.

In an Activision Blog post describing some high level features for Blackout in the new update, there’s a mention of Blackjack’s Stashes coming to Blackout. Every single player gets to unlock one Blackjack’s Stashes per game of Blackout.

The point of Stashes is that it will let you use one of the Black Market only weapons only if you have it unlocked in your inventory. If you don’t have the weapon, the Stashes won’t give you a Black Market weapon. It’s pay walling new weapons in Blackout now too.

New Feature: Blackjack’s Stashes. Each player will be able to unlock one of Blackjack’s Stashes per game, which contains all the Black Market weapons in your inventory. For instance, if you’ve earned the Vendetta in the Contraband stream, it will be available for you to grab during a Blackout match in one of Blackjack’s Stashes.

Blackjack’s Stashes features one random weapon of the Black Market, so long as you have it unlocked in-game via the Reserves at some point.

Activision cannot seem to understand what fans want when it comes to new weapons and microtransactions in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, now adding even more pay wall restrictions to some items in the game.

We said this before, and we’ll say it again: Activision’s business model continues to and will forever haunt any positives Black Ops 4 ever has.

LOL. And I didn’t think Treyarch could get any worse. Hell, I ranted about their Pay to Win loot crates in the last ReaperCast.

Guess I know what the next rant will be? How many times can I revisit that topic? When will game companies learn that NO ONE likes Pay to Win? And who the fuck is buying this shit?

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