Red Dead Redemption 2 Mega thread

Never was arguing or debating. I hate text sometimes. I can tell you are reading me wrong. Moving along myself.

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I am not. I am ready to suggest a bikini mud fight between the two of you. Just for my viewing pleasure of course. I mean I have seen you both in speedos but never wrestling together.


I have plenty but thanks.

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Please…like you can ever have enough.


Don’t make me lock this thread.


Let’s remember what we are in this thread for:


Is it wangs?


Franks and beans! Meat and two veg!

Looking nice.

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Don’t mind me, I’m just a salty PC gamer feeling slighted that I’m not going to be able to play this day one.

That’s clickbait if I ever saw it.

Red Dead Online will launch as a beta in mid November:


I can’t wait to see what mtx they have lined up for us.

For the record, if they don’t incorporate a way for players to gather around a campfire with a fart emoji available, then I’m calling for someone to get fired.

Oh…it’s twitter fight worthy.

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on PlayStation 4

Cool article about the flora and fauna in game. Some things that stood out…

  • 200 species
  • Kill small animals to use as bait for larger animals
  • Horse death is perma. Treat it like it’s your companion
  • Perfect Pelts are used for upgrades. You have to have a perfect kill to get a perfect pelt so your shots matter
  • Gun shots… A few shots will clear some wildlife from the immediate vicinity, but sustained shooting from a gunfight or murderous rampage will clear most animals from the general area and it will take some time before life begins to return to normal
  • Some animals are super rare and hard to come by. Like the owl and Gila monster
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