Introducing rebel Arthur Morgan. We follow his story along with the Van der Linde gang as they live as true outlaws in the West. Stealing, fighting and killing in order to survive in America. Rockstar didn’t provide a ton of information but they did showcase the new anti-hero in this short trailer. Check it out below.
Follow the link and enjoy
Shut up and take my money.
Fuck yes!
Day One purchase without a doubt or hesitation.
when’s the pre order date? sign me up
It will probably get delayed till Fall of 2018.
This. I still won’t believe this game is coming until it’s actually out. If it does come out, it’s easily a day 1 purchase.
Asking the important questions
Realistic horse ball physics - displaying the true power of the Xbox One X.
There is your teraFLOPS at work
@anon42851937 wants to know if it’s coming out for switch…
You had me at horse balls. That select content for PS4 is probably a horse ball hammock.
From the PlayStation blog: spring release, you play as Arthur Morgan a member of Van Der Linde’s gang.
I did see a rumor yesterday that GTA V may be.
Not gonna lie, I’d buy it for the third time if that was true.
Release date of 10/26/18