Star Wars The Last Jedi Mega Thread (Spoilers)

Taking my daughter on Sunday to watch it. I typically would take her out of school today, but we’re busy doing other things.

Id say a slow start for first 40 min then it builds at a good pace til the end where it blows your mind! And u think it’s bout to be over but nope still another 20 min of action to go! Last 35 min is amazing for sure! I saw it in 3d and I do NOT recommend paying extra for 3d…wasnt too much 3d stuff jumping out at you

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I really enjoyed it.
I don’t want to say anything because I think even vague comments could give stuff away.

I enjoy all of the Star Wars films.
I liked Rogue One and The Force Awakens.
I really liked this one.

Was discussing plot, nuances and fan theories all the way home too - didn’t do that for the last two.

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What are the fan boys angry about? Is it the Luke hologram stuff, the Leia space girl stuff?

They’re gonna complain to complain. Enjoy the damn movie already!

They have a habit of barely using cool characters. While Captain Phasma is not near Darth Maul level they created this cool trooper and then barely use her in either movie.


Ok, so the fanboi rage is mostly about the Force being everywhere and that anyone can be a hero rather than those that are Force aware having something special about them, like their lineage. Basically, it seems to mean to them that the Skywalkers aren’t special rather than the real purpose of it to show that a hero can rise up from any background.

Oh, and a lot of them are still pissed that women play a prominent role. Which is ironic, because it’s the first time any of those neckbeards can say that too many women play a role in something they enjoy.

I will say that Leia’s “Space Mary Poppins” scene was way overwrought. That was just beyond silly. They could have had her just drift without the whole pose and such.

I liked Poe’s story arc, and what it could mean for him in IX. Finn still needs some work as a character. Hopefully what Rose did will have an impact, and Finn sheds the tendency to flee.

Rey vs Ren will be fun in the next movie. They built up a lot of conflict and tension between them. I also find it interesting that while Ren wants to be Vader, he’s really more Anakin’s petulant and rage filled side from Clones and Rise, only played much better by Adam Driver.

I’ll agree on Phasma being criminally underused. It’s too bad, because Gwendolyne Christie is such a good actress. Hux, however, is growing on me as a character. His tendency to barely hide his contempt for Ren makes the scenes between them fun.

The Casino planet segment took too long, I think. It was necessary for several reasons, but seemed disjointed.

I could go on, but I really liked it. I do need another viewing to really process things, though, because Rian Johnson created one massive roller coaster ride with this movie.


I do see people are pissed on zero backstory on Snoke but that scene to me was fantastic. The turn on him by Kylo and then not knowing where things would go next with him and Rey was great. It does ruin the book rule of there always being 2 sith but that is just nerd talk.

What I liked about Poe in this movie is for once the hero wasn’t always right with decisions against what everyone else says. He doesn’t consider the lives lost to destroy that one ship making us ask ourselves what defines victory? Then he once again is wrong when he goes against getting on the transport ship.

The Benecio DelToro character was smartly done soon with him questioning who is really right in conflict.

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The reddit crowd is also pissed that Rey wasn’t someone major’s daughter. However, I have to wonder how much stock do we put in Ren’s claim that Rey’s parents were nobodies, given he’s lied to her before?

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The issue here with the 2 with rule goes the same for the Jedi Order. It’s basically a religion and Luke wanted to destroy it as it basically destroyed his family. The reason Anakin turned was because of all the rules the Order put in place which made him get married in private and lead a private life. I am perfectly cool with the way this story is going and how it got there. You really have to look deeper into it at that point.

I think I liked how they just turned a lot of the classic plotlines or Star Wars tropes on their side.
It made for some refreshing plot twists, even if it seemed somewhat strange initially.

The Carrie Poppins was the only bit I disliked.


Hated most of it. Like some of the new tech that showed. Snoke dies that easily? Really? Leia in space? Lmao. Just felt really “cheesy”.

Just saw it, still processing it. The one thing I’ll say is we saw it in an amazing theater with the full leather recliners and subwoofers built in. The sound in this theater was amazing and this movie truly showcased it. It’s why you pay to see a movie at a theater. The boys and I truly enjoyed it.

As for the movie itself? You all know I’d hate it. Well, I don’t completely hate it, it was entertaining and better than the last few movies.

The new series still suffers from uninteresting characters. I think this is my biggest issue with Star Wars now.

It also suffers from repetitiveness. Is it required that the Millennium Falcon must fly through a tight twisty maze in every movie? The AT-ATs on a white planet attacking rebels in a trench. I’d like to see something new from this series.

Luke Skywalker just disappearing??? How? Why? What’s the point?

Leia sucked out into the void, dead. Nope, she wakes up in a vacuum and is now a Jedi Master who can survive in space and fly all around…

Finn and Rose about to be executed when the rebel ship goes into hyperspace through the empire fleet. How much plot armor do they have since 8000 million Stormtroopers (who where all around them) died? Then to have the floor “conveniently” collapse under Phasma’s feet while Finn (who is right next to her) is perfectly safe.

Snoke… meh who cares. He served no purpose.

Final thought, it was an entertaining movie. A popcorn movie but that is all. Star Wars is now fully under Disney’s formulaic approach towards making movies (just like Marvel). They’ll be entertaining and fun but nowhere near as important as a movie like Star Wars A New Hope was.

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Loved the movie. Yes it has its flaws, but way better the TFA.

I want Ray to have a double bladed lightsaber!! Would make sense since she loves her staff.

I want her to have a personality or some reason for me to care about her other than her good looks.


Also, I’m fine with Ray’s parents being nobodies (if that is even true). No reason why the Skywalker lineage should only be the most powerful Jedis. Jedis weren’t allowed to marry or have childern so new Jedis had to come from somewhere.


Lala making sense again! Sheesh

This smacked of Starkiller base to me. If not worse. Why they chose that setting I don’t know. The other (more subtle) nods to the previous films were much nicer. This was just right in your face.

I think I get why they did this (strain from using the Force in that way + nod to Obiwan and the Darth Vader moment). Though I don’t like it.

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