The Best MMO is going on sale.

I finally finished the game. I’ve never completed the last mission / dungeon story mode. Just did it tonight.


Some of these jumping vista areas can die.

LOL. the jumping puzzles can be a bitch.

Punching myself in the nuts may be a better option.

Do the jumping puzzle in Obsidian Sanctum. Not only is it pretty hard to do, it’s very long and in a PvP zone. You will get ganked.

I’m going to have to get back into this game, aren’t I?

You really can just mindlessly walk around and level without having to even focus on a story.

Alright…I logged in after ages of not playing. My user on GW2 is JohnnyHustler.6753


I’m enjoying it, I don’t know what the purpose of helping the people and filling their heart. The stuff they sell, is it any good? I get a treasure chest bouncing every time I log in and there’s something inside. I’m not really sure what the item is or does. I don’t really have any type of direction or where to go, so I just wonder around mostly.


Filling up the heart is basically your mission for that area. Some of the Karma goods you can buy from the merchant are decent. Like recipes, tools, etc.

Had a great time last night. Was a good go to since Live was screwed up.

I need to figure out how to hook up my Trittons to my Mac for team speak.

yeah if you listen to the story mode missions the area has the heart missions and they are aligned with greater story mission for the area. They are typical mmo missions though, grab so many of these, kill so many of these enemies and so forth. If your an achievement hunter they are needed for map completion. There are a lot of different types of currency in the game plus there are living story event items as well. you inventory will fill up quick. Sell or breakdown any weapons you get. Breakdown for mats for crafting. Crafting also grants experience which is a pretty easy way to level up. also your drops will be better than anything you can get from a merchant. Spend money on food or larger sacks for your inventory from the market.

Well, I have a long way to go then, since I just made level 5 last night.

I think I’m 5 or 6. I just listen to teamspeak mostly. I’m not sure of the purpose of the verification thing, but no biggie.

The Server’s Teamspeak is mostly meant to coordinate WvW. They verify to make sure all users are actual JQ players. Believe it or not, other servers spy in teamspeak.

Otherwise, you can pony up for a TS server and make whatever rules you want.

I am verified on there. As a group will we use it to bullshit or type in to chat?

I wonder if I ever cared enough about a game that I would even consider going out of my way to do something like spying on another team via Teamspeak? Pretty funny

Eve online is epic. I wish I had enough free tone for that game.

Enjoying this immensely. I need to find a good build for necromancer. I don’t understand how you can just use different weapons. When I pick up a different weapon I have different abilities. I need to find what works best and stay with it.