Walking Dead Chat (Spoilers!)

Spoiler…They all die.


90 minutes tonight.

Preliminary word from TV writers is that this season starts intense.

Got my fingers crossed that the brat get’s it !!!

You gotta cut the kid a break, it’s the zombie apocalypse.

I wonder if any main characters will be killed tonight.

I just kept thinking “Where’s Carl?”


of course you knew the plan was going to get fucked up, seriously a fucking siren going off. Definitely intentional

Could they make the “Red Shirt” deaths a little less predictable. My son and I called it right when that resident (forget his name) was going die. Hell, Star Trek (original series) disguised it better…

Also, what with the zombies heads exploding on the steel wall? Did their skulls turn to eggshells? Super fragile.

And if I’m going to kill zombies, I’m not using some tiny little knife where I have to get up close and personal. Give me a nice spear like what they used in 300. Keep those fuckers at a distance.

I read an article where the producers wanted to show that the Walkers are decomposing as time passes. I think that is going to factor in as time goes by for Walkers who have been dead for what’s now likely at least 2 years for those that turned early on. Given a lot of these Walkers seem to have been trapped in that area for most of the time since all hell broke loose, it makes sense they were pretty fragile.

So walkers have a shelf life? And bones get fragile?

they are surely dragging that out, seeing as how a body decomposes within a year.

Grex knows…he has killed many a person.

We should ask Disney. All those Dead hookers.

Well, I’m not sure the typical decomposition rules would apply given there’s some sort of condition/virus that is making dead people walk around and shit.

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I have noticed how zombie skulls are easy to crush with rocks and a licsence plate from last season. It’s a little comical but I guess I can see the decomposition play, the whole head crushing from running into the wall was supposed to be from the herd momentum/force, also a little hard to believe.

Carter having his face bitten off was hilarious, that was some good comic relief. I can see where the story line is going, but the horn blaring has me curious.

If that was Ron, Rick is going to be mad.

Hell, I never thought of that little emo douchebag being the one to sound it. I hope he gets eaten.

LOL, the Red Shirt’s death was pretty funny. He deserved to get eaten if he lets a stuck in the tree zombie get him.

Seriously, how the fuck did he not see the zombie that was stuck there?

Fun fact: Carter was played by Ethan Embry. If you’ve seen the movie Dutch - he’s the bratty spoiled kid.

Now I feel really old because of your fun fact .