Who is getting Battlefield 5?

Still looking for that option.
You can certainly join yourself though.

Just search for the one called Grim Reaper Gamers either in-game or on the official Battlefield companion app.

Just click the share button and select save video clip; square button I believe. It will be your last 15 mins so you’ll have to trim it.


I changed my settings, so now I can click the button to take a screenshot and hold it down for a few seconds to get the menu up, from which I can select to save a video clip.

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Cos the defaults were infuriating me and I had to go into the settings to figure out how it all worked.

You too can also be a fancy man.

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Grand Ops seems shit so far.
Just dull and one-sided. Unless there are pop problems?

EDIT: Ok it seems like there is a pop problem. Less than 10 in this match??

I’m not sold.
Will need to play again with some GRG.

I’m not sure how it’s boring. It’s a mix of all the game modes. Some conquest, rush and other modes. You guys are so finicky.

I mean MP as a whole.
I tried 1 Conquest, 3 Grand Ops and 1 Front lines.

I made it so that holding down the button brings up the menu - from which I choose to “save video clip” - which is just local storage.

Instantly uploading probably saves to local storage first.

I somewhat enjoyed Recon, probably just to need it give more time.
Like I said, I expect I’d enjoy it more with others.

Settle down Beavis, I’m just breaking balls.

I figured out the issue.
It’s two-fold and might not be limited to Grand Ops, or perhaps it is just more obvious there since that mode is multiple “matches”.

  1. People leave and the teams aren’t auto re-balanced (I just left after noticing our team had 6 and the opposing team had 23)

  2. Whether the server list is too long, too many modes or a low general population, re-population is a real issue (see above - match started with 20 a side and after 5 minutes we had dropped to 6 without being repopulated)

Whether these are symptoms of other issues or something else, I don’t know - but low pop servers are dull.
Perhaps they need to reduce the number of servers available to keep the pop/server ratio high.

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I’m not sure of the numbers but I don’t think BF5 is doing as well as previous Battlefields. I have well over 400+ people on my Friends list and I only see a handful playing. Barely enough to form a squad. This is from a list that I would see a ton of people playing.

Wouldn’t hurt. They probably had it ramped up to combat the typical BF launch which this title was smooth, as it should as it’s basically a reskinned BF1 (I’m talking code).

The other thing is the amount of game modes. Maybe I never paid attention but BF5 seems to have a lot more.

Finally, I think BF5’s biggest issue is fucknuts not PTFOing. I always hear about how BF titles are all about teamwork. The most teamwork in any title (silly as most FPS games we play are team based). Yet I swear the people in BF5 are fully retarded. I’m talking safety helmet wearing tards. I’m beginning to think they’re allergic to actually playing the objective. Don’t even get me started on the complete lack of Medics in game. Drives me crazy.


Now all classes can revive.
Which just means everyone I can see run past my body is failing to help me.

I do think that change is making less people play as medic.
Between everyone being able to revive and medics have rubber bullet guns it makes for a weak class right now.

I keep asking for orders and usually get granted squad leader.
Another reason I want some GRG together, can actually work as a team!

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Only Medics can revive everyone. Other classes can only revive squad mates, no one else. Non-Medics also revive much slower.


I’m a fucking Ninja Medic. That’s actually my preferred class just because I can non-stop heal myself. The Sten and the EMP are pretty solid SMGs and I can do well with those.


I like playing medic, but I struggle with NOT reviving when I shouldn’t and end up dying. I’ve been lobbing smokes to cover, but that only helps the first two times.


How is it going with the @PS4Players? Have a $15 credit in the store that I was thinking of picking this up with.

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Pick it up for 30 at Target.

My initial plan was to ask for it for Christmas. I may suggest that to a family member which still leaves me with a $15 credit through the PS4 store that I need to use by the 4th.