[XBX1] Tater Raiding 9pm Saturday 2/9/19 LW/SOTP


Last week we ran 2 full GRG groups and had 2 clears of last wish

Depending on who signs up (those under 630) and group consensus, we will do some LW and then try a full SOTP run…the draw for the LW clear 1st is the 1000 voices opportunity…and it seems like that is going strong here.

*All are welcome. This is designed to be a fun teamwork exercise that awards us good raid gear. **(we are thinking 550 is probably the power/LL floor for LW and 630 for SOTP). Please sign up below so we can plan for 1, 2 or 3 raid teams. Signups have priority over show-ups. We will start filling open slots by 9:15 unless you let us know you are running late and maybe we will hold your slot.


Think I’m in. Currently a 576 but been grinding a bunch this week so should be a lil higher

Put me down for a spot. I’ll run one if we need to fill a group.

I am in.

You know you can always count me in for some tater raiding fun.

I am a maybe…not sure if I’ll be on

Count me in as a most likely

I should be on…would be down for another attempt at Leviathan as well for shotty…

Yea same

if I have zero experience, am I more of a burden showing up or we gonna be OK? Dont want to zap the fun train

No burden, it will give us someone else to blame for not clearing!:grinning:

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Im good for the blame!!! Ask lala!!!

I’m down, if you still need a person for the raid.

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@Masonicmage @valiantvictory @Lala_Calamari @godofbiscuits @Sniper_T1 for raid tonight. Was fun learning mechanics… Kali will be ours soon,

Two raid attempts in one week. I like it. Good times. Anyone want to make a Riven run tonight or tomorrow?

[quote=“valiantvictory, post:1, topic:14807”]
Last week we ran 2 full GRG groups and had 2 clears of last wish

Depending on who signs up (those under 630) and group consensus, we will do some LW and then try a full SOTP run…the draw for the LW clear 1st is the 1000 voices opportunity…and it seems like that is going strong here.

*All are welcome. This is designed to be a fun teamwork exercise that awards us good raid gear. **(we are thinking 550 is probably the power/LL floor for LW and 630 for SOTP). Please sign up below so we can plan for 1, 2 or 3 raid teams. Signups have priority over show-ups. We will start filling open slots by 9:15 unless you let us know you are running late and maybe we will hold your slot.